What are cookies? Cookies are short strings that are saved, as you browse the website, on the computer, Smartphone or tablet of ’ and that allow our website to recognize the user ’ after the first visit and then improve its user experience.

Cookies allow us to store and retrieve information about your browsing habits or device from which access in General anonymously and, Depending on the information they contain, If you have previously registered, to recognize you as a user or customer.

The information we obtain refer to the number of pages you visit, the language, to the place from which access, the number of new users, the frequency and repetition of visits, the duration of the visit, to the browser or Device through which you connect or run l ’ application.



Technical Cookies:

Cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of certain areas of the site. Cookies of this category include both persistent cookies and session cookies:

· persistent: Once you close your browser are not destroyed but remain up to a pre-set expiration date

· by session: are destroyed whenever you close your browser

In the absence of such cookies, the site or certain portions of it may not work correctly. Therefore, are always used, regardless of user preferences from ’. Cookies of this category is always sent from our domain.


List of cookies:
_ GA (duration 2 years)

Cookie party service uses Google analitycs. Merely serves to identify users who visit the website (contains identifiers).
_ pk_id. XX. 9aXX1 (duration 1 year and 1 month)

Third-party service uses cookies PIWIK, that is used to collect information about how users use this site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookie collects information anonymously, including the number of visitors to the site,where visitors arrived on the site and the pages they visited.
_ pk_ses. XX. 9aXX (duration 30 min)

Third-party service uses cookies PIWIK, that is used to collect information about how users use this site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookie collects information anonymously, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors arrived on the site and the pages they visited.
PHPSESSID (session duration)

Cookies used by PHP to track sessions (contains a unique identifier for your session on the website).


Profiling cookie:

Profiling cookies are intended to create user profiles and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same in the context of browsing the net. Because of particular invasive nature that such devices may have within the private sphere of users, European and Italian legislation provides that the user should be adequately informed about their use and expressing his valid consent.

Art applies to them. 122 of the data protection Act provides that "where the storage of information in the terminal equipment of a contractor or user or access to information already stored are only allowed provided the contractor or the user has given consent after being informed with the simplified procedures provided for in article 13 Privacy Code, paragraph 3 ″ .

Our site uses cookies for profiling.


Third party cookies:

Cookie party service analysis

These cookies are used to collect information about your use of the site by users anonymously which: pages visited, residence time, traffic sources of origin, geographical origin, age, gender and interests for the purposes of marketing campaigns. These are sent from third-party domains site.

Cookies to integrate third party software products and features

This type of cookie integrates third-party functionality within the pages of the site as the icons and preferences in social networks in order to share content on the site or for the use of third-party software services (as the software to generate the maps and additional software they offer additional services). These are sent from third-party domains and sites partners who provide their functionality through the pages of the site.

Source: Google Youtube

Source: ShareThis

Source: AddThis

Source: Google Maps

Source: Facebook

Source: Skype



In addition to what is stated in this document, You can manage your Cookie preferences directly within your browser and prevent – for example – that third parties can install. Through your browser preferences, you can also delete cookies installed in the past, including the Cookie that is eventually saved the consent to the installation of cookies by this site. It is important to note that by disabling all cookies, the operation of this site may be compromised.

In the case of services provided by third parties, You may also exercise your right to object to the third party's privacy policy tracking through enquiring, through the link to opt out if expressly provided or by contacting the same.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the holder States that the user may use Your Online Choices. Through this service you can manage your tracking preferences of the majority of advertising tools. The Holder, Therefore, encourage users to use that resource in addition to the information provided by this document.

You can find information about how to manage cookies in your browser below. If your browser is not available please visit the help section of your browser.


  1. Run the Chrome Browser
  2. Click on your browser's toolbar menu at the side of the url input for navigation
  3. Select Settings
  4. Click Show Advanced Settings
  5. In the "Privacy" section, click the button "Content settings
  6. In the "cookies" section you can change the following cookie settings:
    • Allow local data to be set
    • Edit local data only until you close your browser
    • Disallow sites to set cookies
    • Block third party cookies and site data
    • Handle exceptions for some internet sites
    • Delete all cookies

For more information visit the page for.


Mozilla Firefox

  1. Run the Mozilla Firefox Browser
  2. Click on your browser's toolbar menu at the side of the url input for navigation
  3. Select Options
  4. Select the tab Privacy
  5. Click Show Advanced Settings
  6. In the "Privacy" section, click the button "Content settings
  7. In the section "Tracking"you can change the following cookie settings:
    • Request to not do any tracking sites
    • Communicates to the sites the willingness to be traced
    • Do not give any preference for the tracking of personal information
  8. From the section "Chronology"you can:
    • Enabling "use custom settings" select accept third party cookies (All the time, most sites visited or never) and storing them for a specified period (until they expire, When I close Firefox or ask each time)
    • Remove individual cookies stored

For more information visit the page for.


Internet Explorer

  1. Run the Internet Explorer Browser
  2. Click the button Tools and choose Internet Options
  3. Click on the tab Privacy in the settings section and change the slider depending on the desired action for cookies:
    • Block all cookies
    • Allow all cookies
    • Selection of sites from which to get cookie: move the cursor to an intermediate position so as not to block or allow all cookies, Press then click sites, the Web site address box, enter an internet site, and then click block or allow

For more information visit the page for.


Safari 8

  1. Run the Safari Browser
  2. Click Safari, Select Preferences and press Privacy
  3. In section Block Cookies specify how Safari should accept cookies from websites.
  4. To see which sites have stored cookies click on Details

For more information visit the page for.


IOS Safari (mobile devices)

  1. Run the iOS Safari Browser
  2. Tap on Settings And then Safari
  3. Tap on Block Cookies and choose from the various options: "Never", "Third party advertisers" or "always"
  4. To delete all cookies stored by Safari, tap on Settings, then on Safari , and then click Clear cookies and data

For more information visit the page for.



  1. Run the Opera Browser
  2. Click on preferences then click Advanced and then click Cookies
  3. Select one of the following:
    • Accept all cookies
    • Accept only cookies from the site I visit: third party cookies and that are sent from a domain other than the one you are visiting will be rejected
    • Never accept cookies: all cookies will never be saved

For more information visit the page for.


How to disable cookies from third-party services

Google services



Google's privacy policy



Tool to disable google analytics on your browser: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/


This page is visible, using link at the bottom of every page of the site in accordance with art. 122 second paragraph of D.lgs. 196/2003 and to set out simplified information arrangements and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies published in the Official Journal No. 126 of the 3 June 2014 and the register of orders # 229 of 8 may 2014.

Info about this product? Contact: +39 051 0827878


Info about this product? Contact: +39 051 0827878


Info about this product? Contact: +39 051 0827878


Info about this product? Contact: +39 051 0827878


Info about this product? Contact: +39 051 0827878


Info about this product? Contact: +39 051 0827878


Info about this product? Contact: +39 051 0827878


Info about this product? Contact: +39 051 0827878
